Observe the middle statue....hes facing the other statue's ding-dongs....lolz..
Once everyone gathered and were briefed on what to do,we split up into many groups.My group consist of Yuan Yi,Jia Yan,Mitchell and Yi Loong.Yi Loong wasnt there because he have to go for tution...pity pity...
Heres some photos which are taken along our way.Sorry that the photos are tilted....didn't notice that..

Parrots!The view was blocked by other visitors though....


White Tigers!!


Kangaroos!!All looking sleepy..


Some weird looking bird...it has a blue head...xD


Read the scientific name...Macaca 'Niger'..lolz...

Orang Utans!!Heard that they are Ah Meng's children....

Polar Bears!!

Another view of the polar bears!

I don't know the name of this animal....Mousedeer i think.


A meerkat hiding in the log!

Another photo of the meerkat!


Lions and tigers!(only 1 lion though)


Bats!!You can actually see their ding-dong and walnuts(the greyish thing on their belly)
Oh yea,heres a video of some weird looking animal swimming...don't know what its name is...i think its a monitor lizard or something.But Terence scared it away...damn him...
The Weird animal----Heres the link to the video
After a long walk,we decided to stop by the nearest fast-food outlet to grab a bite.We headed to KFC.Heres a random shot...

After filling out tummies to the max,we decided to head back to the meeting area as we need to meet up with the others at 5:30.It was already 5.When we checked the map,we were shocked...we just noticed that we were on the other side of the zoo!!Let me illustrate it to you guys.

See how far we are from the meeting area?
But it was actually kinda short....we only took a 10 minute walk back to the meeting area...we got there earlier so we sat there and have a chat with the others who have gotten there earlier than us...Headed back at 5:45 and reached school roughly 6.Mrs Ho say that maybe next time she might take us to the Night Safari...I'hvr never been to the Night Safari in my life so this one's a must-go for me!!XD
Milky Pie signing off~Ja Ne~