Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Memories will always remain in our minds and hearts.

I was ransacking my bookshelf when this thing caught my attention.

It's covered by a thick layer of dust...kinda like an ancient treasure.haha...Yup,this is going to be a treasure for everyone.Sigh...remembering the good ol' days when we played soccer,talk crap,mock Terence and many more...I just realised that we ain't got much time together....that sucks...Anyways,i'll be making a Sec 5 montage video called 'Sec 5 Rocks!' tomorrow...i'm not really sure if i can get it done by the graduation day...I'll be starting to ask people for recording so don't reject!It's something that i wanna share with you guys before we leave PHS.

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About Me

A little asian asshole who rants about anything he sees.